17 research outputs found

    Social Ethic Behavior Simulation Project

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    Ethics has usually been considered as the domain of the intrinsic personal belief. Some even claimed that no objective knowledge of ethics is possible. We propose a quite new way of approaching the problem. Although ethics as a part of the personal belief cannot be examined scientifically, the claim that it is not possible to study ethical rules as means of strategy choice is false. The model we bring forward handles the role of ethical rules from the perspective of evolutionary fitnes

    Ethically-Social Approach to Computer Security Problem

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    This article came to existence on the ground of interest in what makes possible inter-human contacts and co-operation without excessive risk for any person. An individual is protected in society from dishonesty by ethical system as well as social mechanisms, which are not infallible, although so effective in working that transferring them onto the ground of computer systems is worth testing. Equipping computer resources with mechanisms observed in individuals within human societies will enable these resources to control the safety. Our goal is to obtain mechanisms which will enable security without definition what is desirable or undesirable in a computer system. This should enable to detect viruses or attack techniques that are not already known. Mechanisms are presented which may enable to recognize and dismiss resources undesirable or harmful in the computer system on the basis of behavior observation. The proposed mechanisms were tested and tests results are presented and discussed

    Robot Task Allocation Using Signal Propagation Model

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    AbstractThe problem of Multi-Robot Task Allocation has received significant attention over last years. The solutions with decentralized decision making have proven better durability than those using centralized planning. In this paper a method which does not use any explicit communication is presented. It is especially suitable for very high dynamics of tasks priorities, when other methods must often perform time-consuming replanning. The method uses a simple model of signal emission and propagation in the environment. Simulation experiments are provided to demonstrate usability and interesting features of the method

    The last twenty-five years of Polish humanities related to the history of the nations and countries of former Yugoslavia, their political and cultural relations with Poles, and unionism ideas in the second half of the 19th century

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    The last twenty-five years of Polish humanities related to the history of the nations and countries of former Yugoslavia, their political and cultural relations with Poles, and unionism ideas in the second half of the 19th centuryThis paper presents an overview of the research topics that have appeared in Polish humanities since 1989 concerning the second half of the 19th c. history of the nations and countries which went on to create the Yugoslavian state after 1918. The period we chose is 1848 to 1908. Polska humanistyka ostatniego ćwierćwiecza dotycząca historii narodów i krajów byłej Jugosławii, ich związków polityczno-kulturalnych z Polakami oraz idei wspólnotowych w drugiej połowie XIX wiekuW niniejszym artykule zostanie przeprowadzony przegląd tematów badawczych dotyczących historii narodów oraz krajów, które po 1918 roku utworzyły państwo jugosłowiańskie, w drugiej połowie XIX, w polskiej humanistyce po 1989 roku. Jako orientacyjną cezurę czasową przyjęto lata 1848–1908

    Bulgarian affairs in the second half of the 19th c. in Polish historiography since 1989

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    Bulgarian affairs in the second half of the 19th c. in Polish historiography since 1989In this article, we present an overview of research topics concerning the history of Bulgaria in the second half of the 19th c. and early 20th c. that have appeared in Polish historiography since 1989. We adopted the timeframe of 1848–1908. The two dates are not only of key importance for the history of Europe and Slavdom, but also for Bulgarians. 1848 was the year which saw the birth of Hristo Botev, one of the most prominent Bulgarian poets and national revival activists, while in 1908 Bulgaria officially declared its independence and the beginning of the third empire. We wanted to avoid writing historiographical overview articles which consist only of dry bibliographical lists and focus on the most important research trends which can be observed in the field of Polish studies on Bulgaria in the second half of the 19th c. Sprawy bułgarskie w drugiej połowie XIX wieku w polskiej historiografii po 1989 rokuW niniejszym artykule zostanie przeprowadzony przegląd tematów badawczych dotyczących historii Bułgarii w drugiej połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku, pojawiający się w polskiej historiografii po 1989 roku. Jako cezurę czasową przyjęto lata 1848–1908. Obie te daty mają nie tylko kluczowe znaczenie dla dziejów Europy i Słowiańszczyzny, ale także Bułgarów. W 1848 roku urodził się Christo Botew, jeden z czołowych bułgarskich poetów oraz działaczy odrodzeniowych, w 1908 roku zaś Bułgaria oficjalnie ogłosiła niepodległość i początek trzeciego carstwa. Autorzy chcieli zerwać z historiograficznymi artykułami przeglądowymi opartymi na suchym wymienianiu pozycji bibliograficznych, a skupić się na najważniejszych nurtach badawczych, tendencjach oraz zjawiskach, widocznych na polu polskich badań nad Bułgarią w drugiej połowie XIX wieku

    Maintaining Functional Integrity in Multi-Agent Systems for Resource Allocation

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    The resource allocation problem is the problem of assigning resources needed to accomplish some tasks. Such problems are present in many practical domains and are generally very hard to solve. In the paper two multi-agent systems for resource allocation are presented. Each of them uses different mechanisms (based on the ideas of ``free agents'' and ``life energy'') for maintaining functional integrity related with the number of agents in the population. The preliminary results of simulation experiments are also presented and the mechanisms of maintaining functional integrity are analyzed

    Functional Integrity of Some Class of Multi-Agent Systems

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    Multi-agent systems have many advantages and give numerous new possibilities in creation of information systems. However many problems related to functioning of the systems are still unsolved. Functional integrity of multi-agents systems belongs to such problems. Functional integrity of multi-agent systems may be defined in general as preservation of basic functions of the system during its functioning. Functional integrity may be analyzed from the point of view of different functions of the system (the functions that should be preserved) and also from the point of view of various factors that may influence the loss or preservation of functional integrity of the system. The paper deals with examination of functional integrity of multi-agent system depending upon number of agents (global and of particular types). During system work, agents generate agents of the same or different type that depend on their possibilities and system needs. The process performed without use of appropriate control mechanisms may lead to excessive (blocking of the system) or too little number of agents and even lack of agents (disappearance of the functions of a system that are performed by agents of a certain type). A proposal of functional integrity phenomenon analysis of multi-agent systems that is related to the number of agents in their population and a proposal of mechanisms that enable maintenance of functional integrity, in particular a concept of the so-called ``free agents'' have been presented in the paper. Consideration has been carried out on the basis of simulation examination of some class of multi-agent systems. Results of simulation of proposed solutions have been included in the work

    Functional Integrity of Some Class of Multi-Agent Systems

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    The interest in decentralized systems that arose in the eighties led to the development of multi-agent systems based on the concept of an autonomous agent. Multi-agent systems have a number of advantages and open up many new possibilities in creating IT systems, but many problems related to the operation of these systems remain to be solved. Such problems include the functional integrity of multi-agent systems. The functional integrity of a multiagent system can be defined, generally speaking, as the preservation of the basic functions of the system during its functioning. It can be analyzed from the point of view of various system functions (which should remain preserved) as well as from the point of view of various factors that may affect the loss or preservation of functional integrity by the system. The study examines the functional integrity of a multi-agent system depending on the number of agents (global and individual types). Agents during the system work generate agents of the same or different type, depending on their capabilities and needs of the system. The agent, having the opportunity to perceive the environment in his environment, does not have direct access to certain global information in the system. As a result, in many cases a given agent, when generating a new agent, cannot take into account all the important factor systems from the point of view of functional integrity. As a consequence, this leads to an excessive number of agents (system blockage), or an insufficient number, and to a complete lack of agents of a given type (loss of system function implemented by agents of a given type). The authors analyzing the behavior of multi-agent systems [8] point out that in addition to the numerous advantages that decentralized systems may have, they may also have a significant disadvantage. It consists in the fact that system elements, acting in a decentralized way, too often will take the initiative to communicate with other system elements. This will cause a large number of transmissions that are often unnecessary, and as a consequence, overloading the system with excessive transmissions and, as a result, a decrease in system performance, or even blocking it. The considerations were based on a simulation study of a certain class of multi-agent systems

    A perspective on agent systems: paradigm, formalism, examples

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    This monograph presents the concept of agents and agent systems. It starts with a formal approach and then presents examples of practical applications. In order to form the principles of construction of autonomous agents, a model of the agent is introduced. Subsequent parts of the monograph include several examples of applications of the term agent. Descriptions of different examples of applications of agent systems in such fields as evolution systems, mobile robot systems, artificial intelligence systems are given. The book constitutes an outline of methodology of the design and realization of agent systems based on the M-agent architecture oriented on different areas of applications.                                                                                                                                                                           

    M-Agent Architecture Based Method of Development of Multiagent Systems

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    In the paper the author presents an attempt to formal description of the architecture of agent and multiagent decentralized systems (called M-agent architecture) that may be considered as a starting point to develop a decentralized multiagent system technology. This approach may facilitate development of large simulation programs. 1 Introduction The complexity of distributed and decentralized systems needs new tools for designing, programming and debugging processes and this implies that new approaches to the decentralization should be devised. An idea of autonomous agents that arises as an extension to the object and process concepts may be usefull for distributed and decentralized systems development [[1], [2]]. Agents are software entities with some degree of independence which migrate in a computer system carrying out a set of operations. Decentralized system (called MultiAgent System (MAS) or MultiAgent World (MAW)) is considered as a space in which remain and act agents of diffe..